日本精神神経学会 会員各位
Awardを授与し、年次学術総会にてシンポジウム(International Symposium)発表の場を設ける事業を行っております。
本シンポジウムでは、Fellowship Awardを受賞した海外の医師のほか、日本の医師数名にも発表者を毎年務めていただいております。
■大会のテーマ:精神医学研究・教育と精神医療を繋ぐ -双方向の対話-
Linking psychiatric research, education and care: bidirectional talk
詳細はこちら→→→ http://www.congre.co.jp/jspn113/
Fellowship Award受賞者と同様のテーマで、ご発表いただきます。
Within 200- 250 words, the applicants are requested to describe how suicide prevention is dealt with in their countries and to report the current state of suicide issues.
The description may address the following issues:
a. General cultural awareness and attitude toward suicide
b. Suicide prevention policies by the government
c. Suicide prevention activities at school, workplace and community
d. Suicide risk assessment in psychiatric practice
e. Intervention for suicide attempters in emergency medical settings
f. Intervention for psychiatric patients at high risk of suicide
The applicant is requested to describe how psychiatrists in his/her home country would deal with the case described in the vignette.
When you encounter a clinical case above in your county, please answer the following questions:
a. Describe assessment and clinical formulation. (psychiatric diagnosis based on
ICD-10 or DSM-5, and, if any, using own country’s diagnostic system;
comprehensive psycho-bio-social formulation is also welcome to describe.)
b. Describe additional examination or assessment tool to confirm diagnosis, if any,
in your country.
c. Describe the methods of interventions (pharmacotherapy, psychosocial
interventions,job training and/or a unique therapy applied in your country).
If your country has a comprehensive assessment or intervention system,
please describe.
d. In your country is any early intervention available for similar cases above?
e. Describe frequency of seeing similar cases in your own country.
所定のフォームを用いて、期日までに日本精神神経学会の学会事務局までEメールにて応募してください。 国際委員会にて選考の上、発表者を決定させていただきます。
日本精神神経学会 事務局 国際委員会担当
E-mail: jimu-kokusai@jspn.or.jp