As of May 19, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
At approximately 2:46 p.m., a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurs in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Tohoku region.
Sunday, March 13
The President’s Advisory Council of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology (JSPN) asks JSPN member Yoshiharu Kim to chair the “Disaster Response Committee”; Kim accedes to this request.
Tuesday, March 15
The President’s Advisory Council posts “A message to persons in the disaster region and persons providing medical assistance” on the JSPN Web site.
Wednesday, March 16
Board member Tsuyoshi Akiyama contacts Dr. Shekhar Saxena, Dr. Mark Van Ommeren, and Yutaro Setoya at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, and discusses possible collaboration between WHO and JSPN.
Thursday, March 17
A Disaster Response Committee Preparatory Conference was held.
Tsuyoshi Akiyama (Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology)
Yoshiharu Kim, Yuriko Suzuki, Satomi Nakajima, Kenichi Kuriyama (National Institute of Mental Health at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
Hiroshi Kato (Hyogo Institute for Traumatic Stress)
Takahisa Saiga (Japanese Red Cross Narita Hospital)
Masahiko Shido (Japanese Association of Neuro-Psychiatry Clinics)
Yayoi Imamura (Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital)
(Attending via Skype)
Mie Kurosawa (Iwate Mental Health & Welfare Center)
Kohei Yamamoto (Ritsumeikan University)
The following items were discussed.
Saturday, March 19
A special meeting of the President's Advisory Council was held to address the topics listed below.
JSPN response going forward.
• Establishment of a Disaster Response Operations Center (general director: Haruo Kashima).
• Collection of donations to be distributed directly to persons affected by the disaster.
• Delivery of pharmaceutical products to areas affected by the disaster.
Postponement of the 107th JSPN annual meeting.
Wednesday, March 23
The first “Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology Eastern Japan Disaster Response Operations Center Conference” was held.
From the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology:
Haruo Kashima (chair, board of directors; center general director)
Tadahiko Sato (member, board of directors)
Masahiko Mikuni (member, board of directors)
Tsuyoshi Akiyama (member, board of directors)
From the National Institute of Mental Health at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry:
Yuriko Suzuki
Satomi Nakajima
(Attending via Skype)
Mie Kurosawa (Iwate Mental Health & Welfare Center)
Yoshiharu Kim (National Institute of Mental Health at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
Hiroshi Kato (Hyogo Institute for Traumatic Stress)
The following items were discussed.
Friday, March 25
Based on information obtained from Dr. Shirasawa, a request to ship pharmaceutical products was conveyed to Miyagi Prefecture via the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Saturday, March 26
A report on the status of JSPN disaster response efforts was delivered at a reception for organizations of mental health workers.
Thursday, March 31
April 2011
Friday, April 1
A telephone conference was held to discuss a possible joint project between the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and the JSPN to provide assistance related to the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Participating in the conference were WPA President Mario Maj; Prof. Evelyn Bromet, an expert on projects to support people affected by nuclear power plant accidents; Yoshiharu Kim, chair of the Disaster Response Committee; Tsuyoshi Akiyama, executive director of the Disaster Response Operations Center; and Yuriko Suzuki and Satomi Nakajima, committee members.
Wednesday, April 6
The second Eastern Japan Disaster Response Operations Center Conference was held.
From the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology:
Haruo Kashima (center general director)
Tsuyoshi Akiyama (center executive director)
Yoshiharu Kim (committee chair)
Yuriko Suzuki (committee member)
Satomi Nakajima (committee member)
Tadahiko Sato (member, board of directors)
Masahiko Mikuni (member, board of directors)
Yuji Okazaki (member, board of directors)
Other organizations
Kiyoto Kasai (Psychiatry Training Organizers Conference)
Hiroshi Mastuda (Japanese Association of Psychiatric Hospitals; member, JSPN board of directors)
Toyoji Nakashima (Division of Psychiatry, Japan Municipal Hospital Association)
Yasunari Kawazoe (Division of Psychiatry, Japan Municipal Hospital Association)
Shuichiro Fujiwara (Japanese Society of General Hospital Psychiatry)
Toru Yamazaki (Japanese Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
Fumitaka Noda (Japanese Society of Transcultural Psychiatry)
Mariko Okumura (Japanese Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists)
Ritsuko Tsugawa (Japanese Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists)
Junko Otsuka (Japanese Association of Psychiatric Social Workers)
Mineki Sasaki (Tokyo English Life Line)
Maiko Fukazawa (National Institute of Mental Health)
(Attending via Skype)
Mie Kurosawa (Iwate Mental Health & Welfare Center)
Satoko Kobara (Miyagi Mental Health & Welfare Center)
Kazunori Matsumoto (Tohoku University)
Hidekatsu Shirasawa (Tohokukai Mental Hospital)
Hiroshi Kato (Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies; Hyogo Institute for Traumatic Stress)
Shinji Hosoda (member, JSPN board of directors)
Norio Ozaki (Psychiatry Training Organizers Conference)
The following items were discussed.
Saturday, April 16
At a meeting of the executive committee of the World Psychiatric Association, Tsuyoshi Akiyama, executive director of the Disaster Response Operations Center, reported on the response to the disaster by the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology. It was noted that the impact of psychological stress related to the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant was being felt around the world. Additionally, meeting participants discussed the desirability of moving forward with preparations for disasters that may occur in the future, based on joint efforts by the WPA, the JSPN, and professional psychiatric associations in each country.
Wednesday, April 25
The third Eastern Japan Disaster Response Operations Center Conference was held.
From the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology:
Haruo Kashima (center general director)
Tsuyoshi Akiyama (center executive director)
Yoshiharu Kim (committee chair)
Yuriko Suzuki (committee member)
Satomi Nakajima (committee member)
Masahiko Mikuni (member, board of directors)
Yuji Okazaki (member, board of directors)
Other organizations
Masahiko Shido (Japanese Association of Neuro-Psychiatric Clinics)
Takashi Asada (Psychiatry Training Organizers Conference)
Kiyoto Kasai (Psychiatry Training Organizers Conference)
Yasunari Kawazoe (Japan Municipal Hospital Association)
Shuichiro Fujiwara (Japanese Society of General Hospital Psychiatry)
Masaru Murakami (Association of Directors of National Mental Hospitals)
Koji Tsuboi (Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine)
Masahiro Hashizume (Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine)
Mariko Okumura (Japanese Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists)
Ritsuko Tsugawa (Japanese Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists)
Kiyoka Nozue (Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing)
Kimiko Matsuda (Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists)
Ryoko Ohtaki (Tokyo English Life Line)
Junichiro Ito (National Institute of Mental Health)
Maiko Fukazawa; meeting secretary (National Institute of Mental Health)
Hiroshi Kuwahara (Japanese Association of Mental Health and Welfare Center Directors)
(Attending via V-cube)
Mie Kurosawa (Iwate Mental Health & Welfare Center)
Satoko Kobara (Miyagi Mental Health & Welfare Center)
Kazunori Matsumoto (Tohoku University)
Hidekatsu Shirasawa (Tohokukai Mental Hospital)
Toyoji Nakashima (Japan Municipal Hospital Association)
Shinji Hosoda (member, JSPN board of directors)
The following items were discussed.